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Health, Hope & Inspiration for People of Faith Living with Cancer

Jun 29, 2017

The Bible & Health

Featuring: Rev. Percy McCray and Wayne Shepherd

Hosts Rev. Percy McCray and Wayne Shepherd talk this week on Health, Hope & Inspiration about foods found in the Bible and their potential ability to help fight...

Jun 22, 2017

Surrendering to Win

Featuring: Shawna Luera

Guest Shawna Luera talks with the hosts of Health, Hope & Inspiration this week about how GOOD can come out of BAD as she talks about her journey through thyroid...

Jun 15, 2017

Caring for Cancer Patients

Featuring: Dr. Lanceford Chong

Dr. Lanceford Chong shares with the hosts of Health, Hope & Inspiration this week about how his radiation oncology practice allows for appropriate spiritual support when desired by patients at Cancer Treatment Centers of...

Jun 8, 2017

A Doctor’s Journey of Faith

Featuring: Dr. David Boyd

Dr. David Boyd shares a very personal experience of faith that he had with a cancer patient on this week’s Health, Hope...

Jun 2, 2017

Rev. Percy McCray and Wayne Shepherd

Featuring: Rev. Percy McCray and Wayne Shepherd

Hosts Rev. Percy McCray and Wayne Shepherd discuss on this week’s Health, Hope & Inspiration what you should do when you learn that someone you know has been diagnosed with...