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Health, Hope & Inspiration for People of Faith Living with Cancer

Nov 30, 2018

Nutrition Special

Featuring: Rev. Percy McCray and Wayne Shepherd

This special edition of Health, Hope & Inspiration focuses on nutrition, especially as it relates to cancer. The hosts talk with guests about the importance and the role that nutrition potentially plays in the continuing dialogue about cancer, cancer care,...

Nov 26, 2018

Empowered to Succeed

Featuring: Tara Lessard

In a special two-part episode, the hosts of Health, Hope & Inspiration talk with guest Tara Lessard, a currently-treating ovarian cancer patient whose mission is to help encourage other cancer patients to live their best life today and make every moment...

Nov 19, 2018

Nature, Faith and Science

Featuring: Tara Lessard

Cancer patient Tara Lessard sits down with the hosts of Health, Hope & Inspiration to talk about the mental and emotional impact of her ovarian cancer diagnosis; her journey to find an effective treatment plan which combined evidence-based medical treatments with integrative support services;...

Nov 12, 2018

The Partnership of Medicine and Faith

Featuring: Rev. Robin Childs & Rev. Wendell Scanterbury

The hosts of Health, Hope & Inspiration have an in-depth discussion with CTCA chaplains Rev. Wendell Scanterbury and Rev. Robin Childs about their respective views about the progression of faith and spirituality within the healthcare system, and how spiritual...

Nov 5, 2018

Cancer is a Community Disease

Featuring: Rev. Percy McCray and Wayne Shepherd

What does it mean to say that “cancer is a community disease?” In this episode, the hosts of Health, Hope & Inspiration discuss the implications of that phrase and ways cancer impacts more than just the person who has it. They also explore ways in which the church...