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Health, Hope & Inspiration for People of Faith Living with Cancer

Jun 26, 2019

Freedom to Spiritually Serve Patients

Featuring: Vera Boone

Rev. Percy McCray sits down with Vera Boone, a radiation-oncology physician assistant, to talk about how her work as a clinician and her faith helps to support, strengthen and encourage patients for their respective cancer...

Jun 20, 2019

The Color of Hope

Featuring: Peggy Hoover

Rev. Percy McCray sits down with Peggy Hoover, a current breast cancer patient, to talk about how her cancer journey and how God is using her ministry to bring a message of hope, fun and possibilities to others battling...

Jun 13, 2019

Is There More to This?

Featuring: Dr. Kevin Tulipana

Dr. Kevin Tulipana, medical director and medical Vice Chief of Staff at Cancer Treatment Centers of America in Tulsa, Oklahoma, sits down with the host of Health, Hope & Inspiration to talk about what motivates, inspires and keeps him grounded as a...

Jun 6, 2019

Heard and Respected

Featuring: Tracy Hamilton

The hosts of Health, Hope & Inspiration chat with Tracy Hamilton, a currently treating cancer patient who talks about how her journey with Stage IV ovarian cancer has taken her from hopelessness to a newfound faith in God—due in a large part to the spiritual support she received from...